Is tipping mandatory in Peru?

Tipping is not mandatory in Peru, but it is customary to tip for good service. The standard tip for good service in Peru is 10% of the bill. However, you can tip more or less depending on the quality of service you received.

Here are some guidelines for tipping in Peru:

  • Restaurants: 10% of the bill
  • Bars: 5-10% of the bill
  • Taxis: Round up the fare or leave a small tip (S/. 2-3)
  • Tour guides: S/. 10-20 per day
  • Porters: S/. 20-30 per day
  • Hotel staff: S/. 5-10 per day

You can tip in Peruvian soles (S/.) or in US dollars. If you are tipping in US dollars, make sure to use small bills, as it can be difficult for people to change large bills.

When tipping, it is customary to leave the tip in cash. You can leave the tip on the table at the restaurant or bar, or you can give it directly to the person who served you.

It is important to note that tipping is not mandatory in Peru, and you should never feel pressured to tip if you do not want to. However, if you are happy with the service you received, a small tip is a nice way to show your appreciation.



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