Do you provide taxi service from Cusco to Aguas calientes- Machu picchu ?
We do not because there isn’t access by car to Aguas calientes, we provide transportation to Ollantaytambo town or train station and can submit your request via our online form, from there you must get a train either with Peru rail or Inca rail companies.
Taxi fare from Cusco airport to Urubamba- Jan 2025 ?
The fare from Cusco airport or hotel to Urubamba is $34 dollars.
Can I pay with Paypal?
Yes you can pay with Paypal but there is a 5% processing fee.
Can I pay by CC ?
Yes you can but there is a 5% processing fee.
Current cost of a taxi from Cusco airport to Cusco city center – Jan 2025 ?
The current cost in a sedan is $7 dollars, in a van $14 dollars a taxi from Cusco airport to the city center.
Is the listed price per vehicle or per passenger?
The listed fare is per vehicle not per passenger. You do not pay extra fees, the fare is all inclusive.
Current cost of a taxi from Cusco airport to Ollantaytambo- Jan 2025 ?
The taxi fare from Cusco airport or hotel to Ollantaytambo is $34 dollars in a sedan vehicle. Book now!
Where do I expect to meet the driver at Cusco airport?
Due to Covid 19 new measures now our drivers wait for you at Cusco airport holding a sign with your name in the spot show below. After collecting your luggage please walk outside, your driver will be there. See image…
My flight’s been delayed…will you be waiting for me?
Sure we will. We monitor your flight for early arrival or delay, however, if you change flight number you need to contact us either by phone, email or whatsapp. Important ! after landing the waiting is an hour, we still can wait for you but there is an additional fee for airport parking , $2 dollars next additional hour.
What time should I state in my airport pickup reservation?
For airport pickups please state your exact flight arrival time, do not add any additional waiting time, etc. to avoid confusion sometimes with dates specially with those flights arriving at around midnight, after landing it takes 30 minutes – an hour till you meet your driver.